About my Practice

RDM Therapy


Replenishing blood flow and replacing blood cells using gentle scraping technique

Muscle Energy

Using an understanding of muscular anatomy to allow the body to heal itself


Loosening stiff/tight areas using applied pressure and natural body movements

Kinesio Taping

Using elongated taping techniques to promote recovery


Drawing blood to an area in question using suction cups, improving recovery

Frequently Asked Questions

Graston Technique® (GT) Therapy is an evidence-based form of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) that allows for precise detection and treatment of fascial restrictions as well as muscle and tendon dysfunction. Following the kinetic chain, GT Therapy Providers can target and specifically treat affected tissues often resolving issues once thought to be permanent utilizing specifically designed instruments. Graston Technique® Providers utilizing GT Therapy are often the top clinicians in their field. Some find so much value in the technique that they go on to become instructors. Because the training is so specialized, only Graston Trained Clinicians are able to purchase our specialty instruments, giving them an extra leg up on competition.Learn more

Muscle Energy Technique (MET) is a manual therapy that uses the gentle muscle contractions of the patient to relax and lengthen muscles and normalize joint motion. Muscle Energy Technique is derived from the theory that if a joint is not used to its full range of motion, its function will lessen and it will be at risk of suffering strains and injuries. This form of muscular therapy makes use of a patient’s own muscle energy (the force); while the massage therapist presents a stationary surface (resistance) the patient will contract their muscle against in order to stretch the muscle and joint to its full potential. Unlike manipulative therapies, which presume joints are stuck out of place by some physiologic glue, Muscle Energy is based on evidence-based neuro-physiological principles that the joints are held out of place by muscles which have too much toneLearn more

Massage is the place were physiotherapy started. There is also evidence of massage being used in many ancient cultures. Massage is an age old technique uses both stretching and pressure in a rhythmic flow. [1]Massage therapy helps in relieving tension in specific muscles that have built up due to injury or stress. Massage therapy help you to get the blood flowing which speeds up the recovery process.Learn more

The kinesiology taping method is based on the science of maintaining support to the body while allowing blood and other bodily fluids to move freely through and around the injured muscle. Kinesiology tape stabilizes the injured area by lightly adhering to the skin and applying pressure to the tissues the tape is wrapped around. This tape allows the connective tissue surrounding the affected muscle or tendon to move along with the body. It gently allows the free flow of blood and lymphatic fluid to cleanse and heal the inflammation without the use of medications or surgery. This special tape helps to improve circulation, support muscles, allow the internal injury to heal, and help prevent further muscle injury while still allowing motion.Learn more

Suction from cupping draws fluid into the treated area. This suction force expands and breaks open tiny blood vessels (capillaries) under the skin. Your body treats the cupping area like an injury. It sends more blood to the area to stimulate the natural healing process. Some people theorize that cupping clears the pores and releases toxins.Learn more